Friday, October 20, 2006

Satisfy easily?

On Tuesday night, my dear housemate bought me a belt out of no reason. And out of no reason, I was so happy about my new belt. All these while, I really need a belt because my pants are getting loose and a few steps I walked, I have to pull my pant up then a few steps I walked, I’ll do that again. It’s annoying. I really need a belt but unfortunately, this month for my financially budget is over my expectation. Without any idea, I have to save up a bit in order for me to manage to go through until end of this month.

I started to ask myself. Am I that easy to satisfy? Only one new belt that bought by my housemate, can make my whole night brighter. Easy to satisfy, good thing or bad thing?

Human being sometimes can be satisfied easily and sometimes it’s difficult to meet the needs. It’s also back to the definition of satisfy that everyone has in their dictionary. People will always says, satisfy easily will get happiness. Some people says, satisfy too easily will have no standard or requirement for living. After all, it’s all in the mind. It’s actually a mind game. If God is in control, then lets play this game with full of faith and trust in Him. It’s a fun game.


Anonymous said...

Satisfaction is a choice.

Some people have a lot of things, but are never satisfied.

Some have nothing, but they are happy.

Some have chased satisfaction for their whole lifes because of an ideal. Some have no ideals and live life without any direction.

Life's a funny thing. You only get to live it once, without much guidance, and you can never undo the things that's been done.

So... It's your choice.

Lawrence Liau said...

Human tend to satisfy. For me, satisfaction makes me happy. It's how we see it.