Friday, February 06, 2009

Let go, let God

Every early of the year, for sure that I will change the way my blog looks. This year, I would like to give brown a try. Recently, I am so in love with brown color. Still wondering why…

Though a bit late, mid of Feb is here but after the change, I just hope to have a refreshed look. i change the title as well from the previous one.

A preparation journey
*A journey that will mould me to prepare to be a faithful follower, a humble servant, a passionate lover, a supportive wife, a godly mother and a better person*

I think that my path will always be a preparation journey.

I have changed it to let go, let God. A very simple four word, let go, let God but I wonder, how far I could score if I want to put it into a test? For certain people letting go is like a piece of cake. As for me, I think I will need to take years to learn. I cannot deny that I am the kind that will hold on to someone overly tight, something too seriously. Maybe this new year, new chapter, God will lead me to see things differently when I learn to slowly loosen what I am holding on for ages.

This is it, new start, new year, new title, new path…

** Let go, let God**

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