Sunday, November 09, 2008

Children worship conference

We will be having a children worship conference soon and I am one of the trainers. I thought that this could be easy. Just help out this and that while the teacher in front trying to teach and I just stand behind trying to calm down those extra active kids and make sure that they did what the in front person says. Low and behold, I am the one that should be the person standing in front and teach and not supporting and helping behind. This is really scary. At first, I have no idea that I am the one standing in front to teach and I have no idea what to teach. The numbers of children coming in are higher and higher each day. Past few days, I received this email saying that 300++ people are joining and a few days later, the number increase from 300 to 400++. It’s getting scary and I got nervous trying to come out what to teach, what I want them to learn, what is dance and action doer and what is the purpose?

I guess when you are under pressure, you will sleep with it, eat with it, sit with it and everything you think is related to it. All over my mind was, what am I going to do? How to teach? When I ask the person in charge what to teach, she said, you are the expert. How come you asking me what to teach? Then I got think, ya… I mean, drum I don't know. Guitar I know half pale, piano is dreaming to learn but dance I guess I still can teach a bit with what I know.

Nowadays, other than thinking about the whole teaching kid's thing, I have to start to listen to kids songs, learn to communicate with them or maybe gain some of their interest in the things that I am going to teach them. Communicate with kids, wow… great challenge. Never ever thought that I will teach children in dancing but ya…

I think I am going to be crazy with them just to get their attention in what I am trying to plant in their life. Pray that this generation will have different point of view in dancing. With their gift, they will offer it back to God one day.
I guess I will learn a lot from them too after all. By teaching them, maybe they will teach me back how to worship God with who you really are. Faith like child…

** Freak me out**

1 comment:

D@nnY {-.-"} said...

Jesus You're my superhero, my...... my bestfriend..

hahaha.. forget lyrics..

haiya, you what also cannot, but dance sure you can la.. oh, nagging also you can do it very well.. hahaha