Serving in youth ministry reflected a lot of my own youth time. When I was still in my teenager time, problem will always be friends cannot be trusted, to find a true friend is so hard, you thought she/he is a very good friend of yours but never know that they are the one that stab behind your back, boys and girls relationship, I was in love with this guy but he love another girl, or this girl is trying to seduce another guy, gossip is flying around, rumors about who and who is all over the place. Hahaha… when I reflect on it, I can only laugh at myself. Laugh because it was fun. To have all those memories, it builds me to who I am today. True friend is always hard to find, well….. No one can deny that. Some people would rather give up the chances of looking for one just because they fed up with their previous experience. It is just too heartbroken to again give your heart to someone that doesn’t know how to handle a fragile heart.
Nick Vujicic said that everyone craving for two things in their life that are longing for someone to love and someone to tell them everything will be ok. When I heard that, I totally agreed. Everyone desired someone to love them in return and hunger someone to tell them things will be ok when they themselves cannot convince themselves that it will be ok.
I guess things WILL be ok after all the “happening” in our teenager life. When you look back, it’s not that big deal after all and there are things you can laugh about because it’s part of your journey, it’s part of a growing period and one day, we all will be grateful of what God has in us because He always hold our future, always in control.