Friday, October 08, 2010

There is hope...

Sometimes, working in my field makes me forgot that there is grace, there is hope, and there is Jesus. Today, I thank God that I meet someone like Him. Someone that will not judge me or condemn me for things that I have not do or things that I have not done enough but to care for me and to care about my journey.

Working here for more than 2 years... sometimes, I get really tired and word of encouragement is the first thing I need but I don’t normally get it. Feeling of dry and empty seems like a normal issue and I have to learn to stand up myself and be strong again.

Today I realise that there is hope, there is grace. God is good. When I nearly forgot that I have Jesus, he shows me one with sending a person to encourage and to care. To always know that there is grace from God.

** May I be strong again **

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