Monday, January 07, 2008


I’ve been living without Internet for several days now. Life still goes on…

I’ve been down these two days. Maybe period came earlier than expected. Tears shed non-stop and for no reason. I just cried for the sake of crying. Why? Coz I feel like crying, so I did. Ya, I know it’s a bit silly but if I don’t cry when I feel like crying, I guess that’s sillier. I just wanted to express something that word cannot said whereby tears can help me to tell.

My best friend once said that tears are the gift from God. It’s amazing, isn’t it? ? You cry when you feel pain. You cry when you feel sick. You cry when you feel touch. You cry when you feel happy. Crying is not a big deal after all. You just let it out when you feel like it.

I do agree that guys scared when ladies cry. That work very quite well with Danny. Not trying to take things for granted but I just wanted to express when I have no word but tears.

** Tears **

1 comment:

theGodlyLawyer said...

o dear... few weeks ago, a friend tried very hard to make me cry... but i wasn't able to... not even when i thought of the incidences.. and things that happen to me. :( so, yes.. to be able to cry is a blessing....*pat of the head*