Monday, April 26, 2010


Birthday can be very simple, very normal or very fancy. Well, almost every year of my birthday, I'll look up to the sky and pray that I have a cheerful day. Nothing much but to be happy for everything.

It's been 26 long years. Many people come and go in my life. Many come and impacted me to be who I am today. Some rebuke me so that I will be a better me. Some advice, teach, encourage and even crushed and disappoint me in every aspect of my life but I am grateful because with God placing them in my life, I learned to be matured and strong. I learn to rely on Him when I fail in any circumstances of life.
When someone ask me, who impacted your life the most? Well, I will said, along the way, many impacted me. As young as they are or as matured as they are, I learn from them. With a young heart, I learned to be genuine with your own feeling and faith like a child. As mature as they are, I learn their experience and listen to their advice so that I will my repeat what they have warn me.

Long 26 years... And yet a long way to go…

** Happy birthday Jenny **

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