Tuesday, April 06, 2010


I believe that no one loves to be rebuke and force to face the ugly side of them. In life journey, we have to be rebuke in order to grow. Like it or not, rebuke and discipline is one of the way to show love. I don’t like to scold and rebuke as well but sometimes, it left me no choice. To keep certain high standard, I have to scold. To keep the level of quality, I have to rebuke. I don’t like scolding people as well. Most of the time, I ended up feeling guilty for scolding him/her. I always asked myself, who have I turn into? Have I turned into someone that no one like me?

Rebuke is one of the ways that you show concern and love. Hard to accept it but this is the fact. Because I love them … so, I care enough to rebuke them and want them to grow and be better in what they are doing. Unfortunately, not everyone sees the point. I rebuke them with love because I want to see them succeed in their life. If I don’t care, I won’t have rebuked them at the first place.

I hope he understands my heart that in order for him to succeed in life, I must rebuke and discipline him.

** Rebuke with love **

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