Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Differences Point of View

As I read through a book titled, winning with people by John Maxwell, I read through something like this;

It's said that a friend is someone…
Who knows you don't know what you're talking about but will let you reach that conclusion independently.

Today I have a conversation with a friend of mine. We have a different point of view on the above statement. I would says that it is always right to not hold on to someone so tight that he/she cannot breath even though it show that we care for him/her a lot. But her point of view is slightly different from mine. I won't say that we carry a wrong motive but I would say that we have a different character.

She stand strongly on we should do our part to take care and to remind certain people about certain issue whereby I think that it's no point holding it so tight where he/she cannot take it and we are just forcing him/her to change or reach the level of maturity that he/she has yet to reached. Her perspective is correct as for our discussion is no right and wrong but exchange information of how we see things.

As we are serving in this atmosphere whereby culture and generation are differences, it really burden people to serve. After all, we are all here for one purpose is to serve Him. Why certain people have to be over controlling whereby we all believe that God will also play his part to take care of us? Why do God gives free will choice and yet man force to become no choice? Am I over reacting or they are over reacting?

I know that this is a good place for a character mold as well as shaping our life to be more like Him. But why push too hard when God is in control? Why not give some space that we all learn to draw strength and faith from Him? After all, we all have given a choice to choose. I would say it's good that you care and remind but after all, the choice is still in my hand. It's not so much about disobedient issue but about the choice each individual will make when it comes to different things.

Difference perspective, differences method but one heart for God's Kingdom. There is no such thing as one ruler to measure everything.

**A different perspective to reach an ultimate goal**

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