Thursday, July 24, 2008


One fine afternoon, Grace phone rang….

G: Hello
Me: Can you tell me things will be ok?
G: Ok! Everything will be ok.
Me: Why it doesn't sound convincing?

When you need someone to tell you things will be ok because you wish to hear that everything will be ok but when you heard it, it doesn't sound that things will be ok. Not that the way she said is not convincing but my heart are not convinced

It’s my problem or my heart problem?
All I want to hear and wish is that things will be ok… But when I get what I want, how come I am not smiling and feeling what I suppose to feel whereby the feeling of helpless will occur.…

Please… Please Lord… Please tell me things will be ok!



D@nnY {-.-"} said...

Dear, everything will be fine soon. Very soon. Wait upon the Lord, and the strength will rises..

Know His power in quietness and trust..

Bishop used a verse that day to encourage us in the prayer meeting.. the verse lies in the book of zechariah 4:6 (not by might nor not might power, but by my Spirit).

God's Spirit is the one that sustaining you, and my spirit is the one will do my best to cheer you up.. So cheer up my dear.. :)

theGodlyLawyer said...

Jenny... relax... I understand FULLY!!!! We go through this together, ok? EVERYTHING is going to be FINE. It just need a bit of time.