Thursday, March 23, 2006

Another new day? Another old day? Same worry, same struggle...

It is another day again when the sun rise. Last night, I have a bad sleep. I have to beg my mind to rest so that I can have a good sleep. Every weekdays, is like a routine… wake up, to work, back from work then sometimes going church activities, sometimes chat with my dear housemate, then continue with sleep. That day is gone and when you wake up, it’s another day, is another new day and the routine start again.

This few days of mine, struggle within me come non-stop in my mind. Or should I say self conflict? Struggle about which way should I go? When should I start study? Should I study? What should I do? Where am I? What next? What else? Should I let go? Am I lost? Where am I? A lot of struggle, a lot of questions, a lot of emotions, a lot of feeling….

I get tired very easily, and my mood goes down so fast. Now, even stuck here for no reason. Don’t know what to write don’t know what to post and don’t know what to do.

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